New dates for webinars are available
for the Webinar "At the End of the Doctorate - submission of the Dissertation" and the Webinar " At the beginning of the Doctorate". Please check the dates on the following website.
***The winner of the Supervisory Award 2024 at the SOT is Prof. Dr. Manuel Förster, Assistant Professorship for Business, Economics and Vocational Education
With the nomination for the supervisory award, the doctoral candidates of the Assistant Professorship of Business, Economics and Vocational Education wanted to express their sincere thanks for the support provided during their doctoral studies and beyond. The team appreciate Prof. Förster in many areas, but especially in his honest and always appreciative feedback, his constant commitment and hands-on involvement in our research projects, and the support he provides for our personal and career development through enabling a good balance of family and work, the opportunity for stays abroad, further training, conference visits and scientific freedom for our own research projects. The doctoral candidates are pleased that Prof. Förster is receiving the award on the SOT level and congratulate him.
Newsletter to all doctoral candidates at SOT March 27th 2024
Recently, there has been an increasing misunderstanding regarding the TUM-GS internationalization support. So, I would like to let you know about the difference today.
The TUM Graduate School Internationalization support supports travel expenses under the Bavarian Travel Expenses Act. As a result, this TUM-Gs Internationalization support can only be granted for business or training trips.
A research stay or trip within the framework of a so-called Entsendung is a matter of personnel law (with implications concerning the Bavarian Travel Expenses Act).
For more extended research stays of 4 weeks or more, colleagues in the travel expenses office and the HR department are encouraged to ask whether the so-called Entsendung should be chosen instead of a business or training trip. A so-called Entsendung usually involves significantly lower costs for the employer (i.e. the chair/TUM), as the costs for accommodation on site (as well as daily allowances) are not covered but are compensated with the so-called separation allowance. The supervisor/professor always decides whether a research stay is a business trip/training trip or a so-called Entsendung. Of course, the doctoral candidate must always agree to a so-called Entsendung by signing it.
If a decision is made to favour a so-called Entsendung, the TUM-GS internationalization support cannot be claimed, as the so-called separation allowance covers the on-site costs. Only the costs for arrival and departure and the first and last day can be claimed.
You can find detailed information on the following wiki page
The ZA3 and ZA5 leaflet "Activities abroad from the perspective of personnel and travel expenses law" also refers to the special regulations of the TUM-GS Internationalization Funding at the beginning and recommends that everyone seek advice from the Graduate Center before travelling.
In short: TUM internationalization funding is only available for business or training trips abroad, not for a so-called Entsendung!
Please get in touch with your Graduate Center before your research stay abroad!
Newsletter to all doctoral candidates at SOT Mai 9th 2023
The Grammarly licence is now available for TUM staff and doctoral candidates. You can find the general information in the TUM Wiki under . The login works via Shibboleth with the TUM login data directly on the Grammarly website: .
IMPORTANT: During the 12-month test phase (until May/June 2024) of Grammarly, the existing TUM-GS editing service will be paused.
We at the Graduate Centre can no more accept manuscripts for the “Lektoratsservice” during this test phase.
The Graduate Center will update the information concerning this information on the Website of the SOT Graduate Center in the following weeks.
Grammarly is an AI-based writing assistant that detects and corrects grammar, spelling and punctuation errors and makes suggestions for clarity, syntax and writing style. The TUM licence is initially available to all TUM employees and doctoral candidates enrolled as "doctoral candidates" at TUM. Doctoral candidates with a guest ID in TUMonline can also use Grammarly within the framework of the TUM licence.
The winner of the Supervisory Award 2023 at the SOT is Prof. Dr. Janina Steinert, Professorship of Global Health
The winner of the Supervisory Award 2022 at the SOT is Prof. Dr. Jürgen Pfeffer, Chair of Computational Social Science
Further Info
Please avoid the word PhD. The term used at TUM is doctoral candidates. We at SOT, for example, offer you a doctoral degree.
- March 2023 - Membership confirmation is now available for download via Doc-Gs in German as well as in English - See Links and Downloads
- The enrollment period for doctoral candidates is 8 semesters! (Oct 2022)
- Dates of the kick-off seminars can be found on the pages of the TUM GS
- The TUM. Your Network provides you with workshops/events on career planning, application, and career entry.
- EuroTech Universities: Database with professional, primarily free of charge, courses and qualification offers for doctoral candidates from partner universities.
Individual coaching for scientists and scholars