- Cyber Resilience Act: CRA Kommentar. C.H.Beck (1. Aufl.), 2025 mehr…
- Wahrnehmung des digitalen Medieneinsatzes im Unterricht durch die Lehrkraft aus Sicht der SchülerInnen. Konferenzband 2025, 2025 mehr…
- Taking the Next Step with Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Transformative Role of Multimodal Large Language Models in Science Education. arXiv:2401.00832v1, 2025 mehr…
- Investigating learner characteristics and processes in Productive Failure and Vicarious Failure to design adaptive guidance. Learning and Instruction 95, 2025, 102052 mehr…
- Teachers’ use of AI for monitoring, engagement, feedback, and assessment: A rapid review of research syntheses. Konferenzband 2025, 2025 mehr…
- Grundrechtsverwirklichung in digitalen Kontexten. Band 64. Internetrecht und Digitale Gesellschaft (IDG). Duncker & Humblot, 2025 mehr…
- Effekt eines Lehrkräfte-Trainings zur Förderung des selbstregulierten Lernens mit digitalen Medien im Unterricht. Konferenzband 2025, 2025 mehr…
- Analyzing teachers’ diagnostic and intervention processes in debugging using video vignettes. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Informatics in Schools (ISSEP'24), Springer International Publishing, 2025, 167-179 mehr…
- JurisPraxiskommentar Internetrecht. juris (derzeit: 8. Aufl.), 2024 mehr…
- Nachhaltige berufliche Lehrkräftebildung in der digitalen Transformation – Ein Lehrbuch. TUM University Press, 2024 mehr…
- Empirical Investigation of User’s Behavior in Crowd-funding for the MobilityCoin System. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…
- Influence of Public Transportation in Munich: An Empirical MFD Traffic Analysis. 103rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB 2024), 2024 mehr…
- Examining the Alignment of Student Explanations With the System Model in Climate Education Using Systems Thinking. In: Advances in Early Childhood and K-12 Education. IGI Global, 2024 mehr…
- Exploring Mode Choice Behaviour in a Tradable Mobility Credit Scheme. IATBR - 17th International Conference on Travel Behavior Research, 2024 mehr…
- Holistic approach for the market introduction of EVTOL in the AAC scenario. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…
- Impact of artificial intelligence on dentists’ gaze during caries detection: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Dentistry 140, 2024, 104793 mehr…
- Training secondary school students’ SRL before learning with AI-based online learning environments. 11th International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2024 mehr…
- Design, Analysis and Results of TUM-CELLA-Study 2 – Unpublished Report. SOT, Dep. Educational Sciences, Lehrstuhl für Lehren und Lernen mit Digitalen Medien, 2024, mehr…
- Forschend-entdeckendes Lernen digitalbasiert unterstützen: Aufbau fachmethodischer Kompetenzen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Tagung Digitale Transformation für Schule und Lehrkräftebildung gestalten, 2024 mehr…
- Lernende beim Aufbau fachmethodischer Kompetenz digital unterstützen. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP), 2024 mehr…
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- Advancing Self-Regulated Learning through Generative AI with Advanced Learning Technologies. 11th International Conference of EARLI SIG16 Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2024 mehr…
- Hybrid-Learn2: Digitale Lehrpersonenbildung für beruflichen Unterricht. Wissenschaftliche Evaluation der Pilotfortbildung. Zeitschrift des Bundesverbandes der Lehrkräfte für Berufsbildung e.V. - Bildung und Beruf, 2024 mehr…
- Impact of Student Diversity on Learning Behavior and Learning Success – Flipped Classroom vs. Traditional Lecture. Annual Conference 2024 of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Philadelphia, USA, 2024 mehr…
- Impact of Student Diversity on Learning Behavior and Learning Success in a Flipped Classroom. Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI), 2024 mehr…
- Domestic ideas and interests in development cooperation of emerging donors: the case of Mexican development policy. Contemporary Politics, 2024, 1-23 mehr…
- Solidarity in and through Journalism – An Exploration of Minoritized Group Coverage and Journalists' Roles. Dissertation, 2024 mehr…
- Analyzing the 9-Euro-Ticket Mode Choice Impact Using GPS Panel Data and Discrete Choice Models: First Insights. Unpublished, 2024 mehr…
- Analyzing the 9-Euro-Ticket Mode Choice Impact Using GPS Panel Data and Discrete Choice Models: First Insights. Arbeitsberichte Mobility Policy 5, 2024 mehr…
- Climate change and STS. In: Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 mehr…
- Big Data - better inquiry? Wie Lernende mit großen Datenmengen beim Experimentieren umgehen. Future Education Conference, 2024 mehr…
- Datenauswerteprozesse mit unterschiedlich großen Datenmengen. Eine Eye-Tracking mit Current-Think-Aloud-Studie. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik (GDCP), 2024 mehr…
- Young children’s development after forced displacement: a systematic review. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 18 (1), 2024 mehr…
- Taking the Next Step with Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Transformative Role of Multimodal Large Language Models in Science Education. , 2024 mehr…
- Taking the Next Step with Generative Artificial Intelligence: The Transformative Role of Multimodal Large Language Models in Science Education. , 2024 mehr…
- Blockchain and Legitimacy - The Rule of Law by Design. Dissertation, 2024 mehr…
- A novel mobility consumption theory for road user charging. 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT25), 2024 mehr…
- A novel mobility consumption theory for road user charging. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2024, 102998 mehr…
- User Intent Recognition and Satisfaction with Large Language Models: A User Study with ChatGPT. arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.02136, 2024 mehr…
- User Intent Recognition and Satisfaction with Large Language Models: A User Study with ChatGPT. , 2024 mehr…
- From Passive Watching to Active Learning: Empowering Proactive Participation in Digital Classrooms with AI Video Assistant. , 2024 mehr…
- Geographical inequalities in global forest science: A bibliometric perspective. Forest Policy and Economics 165, 2024, 103250 mehr…
- Embedding Large Language Models into Extended Reality: Opportunities and Challenges for Inclusion, Engagement, and Privacy. , 2024 mehr…
- Self-Learning Competence of Vocational Students: The Impact of Training Areas and Digital Media Use. Young Researcher Conference of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (JURE EARLI)., 2024 mehr…
- The Effects of an Entrepreneurial Project on the Career-Choice Readiness, Metacognition, and Growth Mindset of Secondary Students. Education Sciences 14 (5), 2024, 485 mehr…
- Informatik (Oldenbourg) Band 6 Leistungskurs - Gymnasium Bayern - Schulbuch: Maschinenkommunikation, Theoretische Informatik - Band für naturwissenschaftlich-technologische Gymnasien für das erhöhtes Anforderungsniveau. , 2024 mehr…
- Informatik (Oldenbourg) Band 6 Grundkurs - Gymnasium Bayern - Schulbuch: Maschinenkommunikation, Theoretische Informatik - Band für naturwissenschaftlich-technologische Gymnasien für das einfache Anforderungsniveau. , 2024 mehr…
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- Informatik Band 2. Gymnasiale Oberstufe - Schulbuch: Objektorientierte Modellierung, Rekursive Datenstruktur Listen, Rekursion, Graphen, Informationssicherheit - Schulbuch. , 2024 mehr…
- Cyberresilienz durch Datenschutz: Verkehrssicherungspflichten für Hersteller von Produkten mit digitalen Elementen. Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD) (9), 2024, 572-576 mehr…
- Der „Digital Power Gap“ des Arbeitskreis Digitales. Junge Wissenschaft im Öffentlichen Recht, JuWissBlog Nr. 2/2024 v. 11.01.2024 (Berlin) , 2024, mehr…
- How pedagogical content knowledge sharpens prospective teachers’ focus when judging mathematical tasks: an eye-tracking study. Educational Studies in Mathematics 115 (2), 2024, 177-196 mehr…
- Understanding Regulatory Preferences for Gmos and Nanotechnology: A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Opinion in the USA, Israel, and Germany. , Hrsg.: Professur für Policy Analysis/ Hochschule für Politik München/ Technische Universität München, Elsevier, 2024, mehr…
- From Lenses to Living Rooms: A Policy Brief on Eye Tracking in XR Before the Impending Boom. 2024 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and eXtended and Virtual Reality (AIxVR), IEEE, 2024 mehr…
- On Task and in Sync: Examining the Relationship between Gaze Synchrony and Self-Reported Attention During Video Lecture Learning. , 2024 mehr…
- Detecting Aware and Unaware Mind Wandering During Lecture Viewing: A Multimodal Machine Learning Approach Using Eye Tracking, Facial Videos and Physiological Data. International Conference on Multimodel Interaction, ACM, 2024, 244-253 mehr…
- From the Lab to the Wild: Examining Generalizability of Video-based Mind Wandering Detection. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 2024 mehr…
- Nachgefragt - Warum brauchen wir das... Gesetz gegen digitale Gewalt. bidt Magazin (Ausgabe Nr. 3), 2024, S.12 mehr…
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- Expert gaze as a usability indicator of medical AI decision support systems: a preliminary study. npj Digital Medicine 7 (1), 2024 mehr…
- Fostering diagnostic skills with simulations: A research synthesis of 237 studies in higher education. ICLS Conference at the ISLS Annual Meeting, 2024 mehr…
- Where salience goes beyond authenticity. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie 38 (1-2), 2024, 15-25 mehr…
- The relation between learners’ experience in simulations and diagnostic accuracy: Generalizability across medical and teacher education. Computers in Human Behavior Reports 15, 2024, 100454 mehr…
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- The Effectiveness of Counterspeech in Mitigating Online Hate: Insights From a Multi-Method Investigation. Dissertation, 2024 mehr…
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- KI in der Verwaltung. , Hrsg.: DUZ, 2024, mehr…
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- Engaging Stakeholders in Your Carbon Dioxide Removal Research. Reflection Paper with Learnings & Recommendations from the CDRterra research programme. Zenodo, 2024 mehr…
- Adapting Computational Skills for AI Integration. 2024 IEEE 36th International Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (CSEE&T), IEEE, 2024, 1-5 mehr…
- Analyse der Störungen im Münchner S-Bahn System auf Basis von Social-Media-Daten. Bachelorarbeit, 2024 mehr…
- Left–right political orientations are not systematically related to conspiracism. Political Psychology, 2024 mehr…
- Constructive retrieval with complex learning contents – Does the combination of self-explanation and closed-book improve lasting learning and preparation for future learning? Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Empirische Bildungsforschung (GEBF) , 2024 mehr…
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- Video analysis professional vision training and multimedia instructional design: – Investigating preservice teachers’ noticing and reasoning about small-group tutoring and support from signaling, self-explanations, and situational interest. Dissertation, 2024 mehr…
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- Künstliche Intelligenz für Lehrkräfte: Eine fachliche Einführung mit didaktischen Hinweisen. Springer Vieweg, 2024 mehr…
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- Personalisierung. In: Nachhaltige berufliche Lehrkräftebildung in der digitalen Transformation – Ein Lehrbuch. TUM University Press, 2024, 29-33 mehr…
- DataliVR: Transformation of Data Literacy Education through Virtual Reality with ChatGPT-Powered Enhancements. , 2024 mehr…
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- Guardrails: Guiding Human Decisions in the Age of AI. Princeton University Press, 2024 mehr…
- A call for responsible quantum technology. Nature Physics 20 (4), 2024, 525-527 mehr…
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- Empowering Digital Natives: InstaClone – a Novel Approach to Data Literacy Education in the Age of Social Media. Proceedings of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE 2024), Association for Computing Machinery, 2024, 484-490 mehr…
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- Immersive VR learning environments: Coherence formation and effects of environmental details. EARLI SIG 6 & 7 Conference , 2024 mehr…
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- Der Cyber Resilience Act: Ein Gesetz „mit digitalen Elementen“. ITRB, 2024, S. 159 - 161 mehr…
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- Social media as a space for youth’s algorithmic resistance. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2024, 2371-2372 mehr…
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- Making and Influence of Political Controversy: A Case Study of the Immigration Issue in the UK and Germany. Dissertation, 2024 mehr…
- Beliefs in Conspiracy Theories and Online News Consumption during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media 4, 2024 mehr…
- Educational Imaginaries: Reforming Danish Higher Education. In: Framing Futures in Postdigital Education: Critical Concepts for Data-driven Practices. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, 99-117 mehr…
- Beyond scalable impacts: Roles of mobility experiments in local transition governance. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 33 (1), 2024, 80--86 mehr…
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- Gender and geography as inequality dimensions in forest research: insights from a multi-method study. International Forest Policy Meeting 5, 2024 mehr…
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- I Prefer Not To Say: Protecting User Consent in Models with Optional Personal Data. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024 mehr…
- Who benefits most from language-responsive learning materials in mathematics? Investigating differential effects in heterogeneous classrooms. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2024 mehr…
- Testing constructive retrieval in the classroom – findings from a field experiment. SIG 6 & SIG 7 Conference of the European Association of Research on Learning and Instruction, 2024 mehr…
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- DART: An Automated End-to-End Object Detection Pipeline with Data Diversification, Open-Vocabulary Bounding Box Annotation, Pseudo-Label Review, and Model Training. , 2024 mehr…
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- Assessing motivation for user-generated technical instructional videos: development and validation of the motivation scale for TVET. Cogent Education 11 (1), 2024 mehr…
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- Gaze patterns of dentists while evaluating bitewing radiographs. Journal of Dentistry 135, 2023, 104585 mehr…
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- Eye-tracked Virtual Reality: A Comprehensive Survey on Methods and Privacy Challenges. , 2023 mehr…
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- Precise localization of corneal reflections in eye images using deep learning trained on synthetic data. arXiv, 2023 mehr…
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- Theorizing Mathematical Unitizing through Fiber Crafts. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023 mehr…
- Teachers’ Use of Explicit Instruction When Planning Lessons to Foster Students’ Scientific Inquiry Competencies. In: Fostering Scientific Citizenship in an Uncertain World. Springer International Publishing, 2023 mehr…
- Just Another Day on Twitter: A Complete 24 Hours of Twitter Data. , 2023 mehr…
- The Half-Life of a Tweet. Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17, 2023, 1163-1167 mehr…
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- Health consequences of a death threat: How terrorist attacks impact drinking. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy 24 (1), 2023, 283-302 mehr…
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- Adapting to Change: Robust Counterfactual Explanations in Dynamic Data Landscapes. , 2023 mehr…
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- Understanding and supporting writing processes with trace data. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2023Thessaloniki, Greece mehr…
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- Training teachers to promote self-regulated learning with digital media in the classroom. 20th Biennial EARLI Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 2023 mehr…
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- Opportunity or responsibility? Tracing co-creation in the European policy discourse. Science and Public Policy 50 (3), 2023, 433--444 mehr…
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- To Quilt is to Math: Investigating the Breadth and Depth of Mathematics in Fiber Crafts. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2023, International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2023 mehr…
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- Practices and Attitudes of Bavarian Stakeholders Regarding the Secondary Use of Health Data for Research Purposes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR (24/6), 2022 mehr…
- Schutz von Persönlichkeit und Privatsphäre, Datenschutz, Digitalisierung und Grundrecht – §§ 103/121. In: Das Staatsrecht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im europäischen Staatenverbund. C.H.BECK (2. Aufl.), 2022 mehr…
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- The potential of digital tools to enhance mathematics and science learning in secondary schools: A context-specific meta-analysis. Computers & Education 153, 2020, 103897 mehr…
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