Dissertationen an der TUM School of Social Sciences and Technology
Dissertationen in 2024
Miriam Sarah Lechner
Soyeon Jin
Making and Influence of Political Controversy: A Case Study of the Immigration Issue in the UK and Germany, 02.08.2024
Benedict Ludwig Witzenberger
COVID-19 and Data Journalism. Insights from Computational Social Science07.06.2024,
Christiane Wissing
Meg Daly Farrell
Christina Ioanna Pappa
Sarah Kellberg
Andrzej Pawel Ceglarz
Implementing Energy Transitions – Understanding Constraints, Pursuing Opportunities, 09.02.2024
Melanie Ida Erika Ripsam
Wirksamkeit von Augmented Reality zur Förderung des Stoff-Teilchen-Konzeptverständnisses, 26.01.2024
Dissertationen in 2023
Luca Elias Messerschmidt
Economic and Political Consequences of Foreign Direct Investment for Developing Countries,19.12.2023
Kaley Lesperance
Gender Differences in STEM Motivational Outcomes, 16.12.2023
Nina María Frahm
Soft Constitutions, 5.12.2023
Tony Müller
Policy Entrepreneurship in Global Institutions, 08.11.2023
Wienke Christine Strathern
Structures and Dynamics in Communication Conflicts in Social Media Networks, 15.09.2023
Kerstin Sabine Huber
Supporting computer-based learning by investigating process data, 21.08.2023
Adriana Pilar Zaragoza Mulas
Supporting Preservice Teachers’ Ability to Connect Professional Knowledge with Lesson Planning 25.07.2023,
Katharina Geldreich
Programmieren in der Grundschule. Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie 24.07.2023
Nora Swaboda
Investigating preschoolers’ active and ecological learning with novel non-verbal paradigms, 14.07.2023
Nigar Muradkhanli
German-Russian Gas Relations: From Cooperation to Conflict, 11.07.2023
Michael Nickl
Ira Shefer
Shota Gelovani
Steffen Moser
Gestaltung von kollaborativen Lernumgebungen für den Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen - Die Rolle von authentischen Lernaufgaben zur Initiierung regulierter Lernprozesse in der Erwachsenenbildung als E-Book ISBN 978-3-95663-288-4 , als Softcover ISBN 978-3-95663-287-7, 22.05.2023
Lyn Jiapei Lim
Lisa Maria Ziernwald
Qing Li
Aya Adra
Understanding protest: A multi-lens examination of collective action predictors, 30.01.2023
Dissertationen in 2022
Martin Bascopé Julio
STEM education for sustainability: An integrated and place-based pedagogical approach, 16.12.2022
Anna Hartl
Nicole Eich-Zeckey
Unternehmertum, Marktwirtschaft und Wettbewerb in Bilderbuchliteratur: Der literarische Einfluss auf das frühkindliche Lebensphasenmodell eines Menschen, 15.11.2022, ISBN 978-3-8439-5138-8
Kristina Schick
Doctor-patient communication in undergraduate medical education: Competence and attitudes, 25.04.2022
Anna Novoselova
Disengagement from International Organisations: The Role of Domestic Politics, 06.07.2022
Johann Jakob Häußermann
Daniel Toribio-Flórez
An examination of third-party punishment and its boundaries: Between the lab and real life, 18.05.2022
Cindarella Sarah Maria Petz
Michael Andreas Clormann
Negotiating Beyond-Planetary Challenges: The European Space Sector in the New Space Age, 31.01.2022
Silvan Amatus Pollozek
Dissertation in 2021 (seit Gründung der SOT am 1.10.2021)
Santiago Orrego
Mirrors and Labyrinths. Learning from Times Square how to make an urban-STS ethnography.10.12.2021,
Constanza de Simone
Active and ecological learning to navigate the social world. 18.11.2021,
Annika Diery