Veranstaltungen des Graduiertenzentrums der School of Social Sciences and Technology
Co-Designing Generative AI Guidelines of, by, and for TUM
March 21, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
We hereby invite you to the workshop “Co-Designing Generative AI Guidelines of, by, and for TUM” to collaboratively develop guidelines for the meaningful use of generative AI at TUM in the context of teaching. We will be holding joint workshops with representatives from all levels of TUM. The goal is to co-design the guidelines together and include diverse perspectives such as legal, administrative, pedagogical and engineering, and integrate existing documents on this topic that have been developed at TUM.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating using the following sign-up form before February 18, 2024
We will follow up with the program shortly after your registration.
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/
Politics and Ethics of STS Research - Graduate Seminar open to all Doctoral candidates (+ advanced MA & postdocs if interested)
Organisers: Patrick Bieler & Jörg Niewöhner
Prep-Session: To introduce the idea of the seminar, clarify interest and feasibility, agree upon texts and formats
Tuesday, 7.5.2024, 3 pm, STS Department & hybrid
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/
PhD Seminar 2 SWS: Data-supported research for the social sciences
Prof. Silke Beck, Prof. Jürgen Pfeffer
Wednesday, 9:00-10:30; Start: 17.4., Marsstraße 40, Room 501
Silke Beck and I will offer a new class for our Ph.D. students in the upcoming Spring semester. This class is designed to satisfy the “research design” item of the obligations in subject-specific courses (§ 12 d.) of the new qualification program in the regulations of the Graduate Center Social Sciences and Technology. However, our graduate students in other graduate programs are welcome as well. Feel free to forward this information to your Ph.D. students.
Registration: Email to Prof. Beck or Prof. Pfeffer
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/ Methodology-related course
Dissertation Proposal Seminars
Tag der Forschung - 2. EDU-Kolloquium am 09.10.2024
Psychologie, Erziehungswissenschaft, Fachdidaktik – unsere Forschung im Department Educational Sciences ist vielfältig! Beim 2. EDU-Kolloquium am 09.10.2024 wollen wir diese Vielfalt sichtbar machen. In Vorträgen, Diskussionen und Posterausstellungen präsentieren Mitglieder unseres Departments ihre Projekte.
Wann: 9. Oktober 2024 Beginn 9 Uhr
Wo: Marsstraße 20-22, 6. Stock,
Programm: rechtzeitig vor der Veranstaltung hier
An welchen Projekten arbeiten meine Kolleg*innen? Und welche Anknüpfungspunkte gibt es zu meiner Forschung? Diese Fragen sollen im Zentrum des 2. EDU-Kolloquiums am 09.10.2024 stehen. So können wir uns gegenseitig Impulse geben und Schnittstellen zwischen den Projekten finden. Hierfür stehen unterschiedliche Formate zur Verfügung. Herzstück dieses Tags der Forschung sind 15-minütige Vorträge, in denen Promovierende Einblicke in ihre Dissertationsprojekte geben. Anschließend diskutiert ein*e EDU-Professor*in (sogenannter Guest-Supervisor) die Vorträge und gibt Anregungen für die weitere Arbeit. Zusätzlich haben alle Teilnehmenden im Anschluss die Möglichkeit, Fragen zu stellen.
Eine weitere Gelegenheit zum Austausch ist die Posterausstellung. Hier können alle Teilnehmenden ihre Konferenzposter der vergangenen Zeit ausstellen und in den Kaffeepausen über die Projekte ins Gespräch kommen. Lernen Sie also bei einem kleinen Streifzug durch die Poster andere Projekte kennen oder präsentieren Sie Ihre Poster!
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/
PhD Colloquium SoSe24 - STS Department
The STS Colloquium is scheduled for the 25th and 26th of April in Marsstraße 20
On Thursday, we meet in room 605, starting at 12:45 and ending at 16:45
On Friday, we meet in room 607, starting at 09:30 and ending at 18:00, to then continue the evening at Café CaVa!
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/
Graduate Students Day - Annual GOV Dissertation Departmental Seminar
- Format: The format of the event will be dynamic, involving a mix of 5-min. presentations with Q&A (Part A) and a poster walk-through with coffee and Brezn (Part B)
- Place: HfP/TUM ThinkTank, Richard-Wagner-Straße 1, 1st Floor, 80333 München
- Time: May 15, 2024; 9am-12pm
To sign up for this year's GOV Dissertation Departmental Seminar and help us best organize the event, please put your name and title of your presentation in this document by May 3. We will soon get back to you with a detailed schedule for the event.
Info: Doc-GS --> subject-specific skill course/
Please note: Active participation at the Dissertation Departmental Seminars (in the form of a presentation/poster; more details will follow soon) at least once throughout your doctoral studies is compulsory for new doctoral candidates as per the new guidelines of the SOT Centre for Graduate Studies (new doctoral candidates hereby refers to those entering the list of doctoral candidates after June 22nd, 2023). However, we would also like to explicitly invite advanced doctoral candidates to showcase their work, get feedback on such a rare informal occasion, and use this to explore collaboration with department members and other doctoral candidates — or have a good time together!
Master Courses open for SOT doctoral candidates
Department: Educational Sciences
(0000000668) Human-Centered Technologies for Learning
With Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci
Where: 131, 2907.01.131
When: Thursdays 9.30 a.m. - 12.30 p.m., starts 18. April 2024
Registration: Email to Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci
(0000001804) Recent Advances in Human-Computer Interaction (IN0014, IN2107)
With Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci
Where: 117; 2907.01.117
When: Fridays 1 p.m.- 3 p.m., starts 19. April 2024
Registration: Email to Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci
(0000003026) Blockkurs: Gaze-based Human-Computer Interaction
Where: not yet communicated
When: not yet communicated
Registration: Email to Prof. Enkelejda Kasneci
(0000004210)Master Thesis Seminar in the Learning Sciences (online)
With Prof. Anna Keune
This course is a place for sharing work in progress and to practice receiving and providing feedback. The course objectives are: (1) To facilitate opportunities for students to present updates on their master thesis progress. (2) To provide space for giving and receiving constructive feedback from peers, mentors, and their supervisor and mentor. (3) To accompany the process toward completing a Master Thesis as part of a community of critical and supportive peers. (4) To prepare students to engage with scholarly and academic discourse
Where: Online
When: Tuesday and Thursday 1 p.m. - 2.30 p.m., starts 16. April 2024
Registration: Email to Prof. Anna Keune
Department: Governance
LV 0000002489 (SOT86608) Advanced Methods for Measurement and Modeling of Choice Behavior (with Application to Mobility Policy) Hfp Master course
with Prof. Allister Loder
This course teaches methods to design stated choice experiments to study individual choice preferences, to conduct surveys, and to model discrete choice behavior with econometric approaches. The course focuses on choices in transport, but the methods can also be used in health, policy analyses, marketing, and other areas.
Where: H.206 (2910.02.206)
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., starts 16. April .2024
Registration: Email to Prof. Loder
Methodology-related course
(SOT86067) Climate Finance: Mastercourse
with Prof. Dr. Florian Egli
Climate change is one of the critical challenges of this century. In this course, students will learn about the role of finance for the low‑carbon transition in developing as well as industrialized countries. We will discuss existing policies, their effectiveness, and the underlying political economy challenges to implement them.
Where H.004, CIP-Raum 2910.EG004
When: Mondays 1.15 p.m. - 2.45 p.m., starts 15. April 2024
Registration: Email to Prof. Egli
(0000003771) Designing Public Policy – Special Issue: Nature’s Design Lab: Crafting Policies and Change in the Wild
Prof. Florian Egli (SOT) and Prof. Annette Diefenthaler are co-developing and will be co-teaching this course to equal parts.
Our current reality is shaped by complex challenges that require us to fundamentally rethink our relationship with the planet we live on. In this module, you will embark on a learning experience beyond the confines of the classroom: Students from diverse disciplines are invited to an immersive journey into nature, design, and innovation, fostering an environment of creative thinking and interdisciplinary collaboration.
When: Friday, 14 June 2024, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Where: This workshop will take place in an atelier space at the Ammersee
Registration: Email to Prof. Egli
Doctoral colloquia
With Prof. Dr. Anna Keune
Where: Online
When: Friday’s at 1 – 2:30 p.m.
mit Prof. Alfred Riedl
Wann: Mittwoch: erster Termin 11-13.00 Uhr, ab Mittwoch 24.4. 2024, 14-tägig, online