Do you prefer to learn through exercises or from real challenges? Do you want to impress only experts or do you want to ask yourself socially relevant questions?
You do? Then register for one of the project weeks that will take place for the first time from January 8th to 13th, 2024* at TUM!
The interdisciplinary Kontextlehre WTG and the Department of Science, Technology and Society offer the following project weeks:
Dinge denken Eine philosophische Projektwoche über die Technik im Alltag | Slanitz, Brea |
Game Jam! Reflecting Science, Technology and Society through Game Design | Valdés-Stauber |
Grafikdesign Werkstatt: Typen, Formen & Raster oder „Das Plakat“ | Wendland |
Per Anhalter durch die Galaxis? Ideen, Irritationen, Inspirationen zum Leben in der Zukunft | Lughofer |
Project Seminar Applied Ethics | Sandmann, Wernecke |
Projects outside of the project week
Kontextlehre WTG organizes other project-oriented courses that do not take place in early January. Here is a small selection:
Die Macht der Gefühle Eine Denk- und Schreibwerkstatt | Ammereller, Lange |
Videos selber machen Wie Sie mit Bewegtbild sich und Ihre Inhalte besser verkaufen können | Fuchs |
TUMInspiriert - Studentische Projekte Projektmanagement und Teamkommunikation in der Praxis | Kopp-Gebauer u.a. |
Weeks without credits?
Unfortunately, not all project weeks are anchored in modules and courses. It was initially more important to us to implement great new offers. So: for most of our "project weeks" it is not yet clear whether and how they will be counted towards the curriculum. But that shouldn't really play a role in the selection! Who wants to spend their whole life doing what ECTS credits are for?
No time for the projects?
Please inform your lecturers that you will not be able to attend the regular courses this week. You should not suffer any disadvantages from this, because it is extremely important for your personal development as well as for your professional skills that you further educate yourself with socially relevant issues in creative-cooperative learning situations with interdisciplinary teams.
→ More Infos and other project weeks: